The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) puts out a long-running national PSA Don’t Lie for the Other Guy to increase awareness that straw purchasing—buying a firearm for someone who cannot—is illegal. In the past, the campaign had been limited to in-store media at local firearm retailers. But the organization needed to reach a wider audience with its safe gun ownership messaging. So they turned to One Four Media for help.
The Challenge
NSSF had specific audiences they needed to reach in markets across the country. They worked with ATF, attorney generals, and local law enforcement officials to pinpoint places where they were seeing an uptick in straw purchasing. And they needed to be able to act fast to bring their messaging to the market to help quell the behavior.

One Four helped them develop an issue advertising campaign to quickly saturate the market in their targeted areas from Tuscon to Chicago, Miami to Oakland, and everywhere in between with their public PSAs.

Best-in-Class Audience Measurement Techniques Capture the Right Audience on Terrestrial and Digital Radio
Terrestrial and digital radio allowed us to get granular in targeting our client’s audience and use the most sophisticated and best-in-class technology available to ensure that the campaign delivered the results we needed.
They needed to reach a primarily female audience—women are more likely to be straw purchasers—that fit within specific demographics. One Four Media relied on best-in-class audience measurement techniques to recruit and maintain listeners from our targeted segments of the population and scoured the data to ensure we were reaching the right audience at the right time. From traditional terrestrial radio to XM, Pandora, Spotify and beyond, we helped NSSF reach their target audience by knowing who was listening and on what platform.

Staying Nimble and Pivoting to Get the Best Results
Every client has unique needs when it comes to media buying. But some clients like NSSF face additional obstacles because of the content of their ads. And they need a media buying partner who can navigate that complex media buying landscape for them. That’s where One Four Media came in.
Despite the positive, safety-oriented nature of the PSA some advertisers simply won’t allow firearm-related advertisements. Luckily, our team of media experts knows where you can buy billboards with firearm safety messaging—and more importantly, where you can’t.
In those markets, we pivoted to geofencing a three-mile radius around firearms retailers and served display and social media ads to our target audience. We seamlessly helped them navigate the minefields of this complex landscape so that they didn’t have to worry about whether they could run a particular PSA in Denver or a billboard in St. Louis. We’ve got them covered.

The Results
The NSSF’s PSA has saturated each market in a total media blitz in more than 55 cities across the US. If you lived in these markets and were in their target audience, you encountered the Don’t Lie messaging everywhere—plastered on the streets, on the radio, on your phone, everywhere.
20-50 Billboards
Average units per campaign in each market
75-150 Transit Shelters
Average units per campaign in each market
3-6 Top Stations
Per market and targeted streaming across iHeart, Pandora, and podcasts
4-5 Million Impressions
Average across Facebook and Instagram per market
In our month-long campaign in the Las Vegas market, our client contracted 343,756 digital billboard plays. But we over-delivered by 128%, so they had a total of 784,811 digital billboard plays in their market, reaching more than double their anticipated audience.
Even better, One Four Media routinely carved out even more value from the campaign than the client expected. While the campaigns ran a four-week cycle, clients received enormous added value on the back end from billboards and bus ads that remained up for additional weeks due to the volume of the media buy.
They were thrilled with the results of the campaign.
Bill DunnV.P. of Marketing, NSSF
“We've worked with One Four Media for many years to help raise awareness of firearm safety and secure storage across the country. Time and again they prove to be instrumental in placing effective campaigns while providing great value.”